
The Last Cowboy: a mini-documentary encompassing the life of Jim Commodore and the Val Marie PFRA. By Megan Lacelle and Kaitlyn Van De Woestyne. University of Regina.

A talk by Brant Kirychuk, Manager of Leasing and Sales, Lands Branch, Saskatchewan Agriculture, about the Federal Community Pasture Transition, on March 19, 2014.


Why should you care about what happens to the PFRA pastures?

Bryce Burnett, pasture patron, talks about the dismantling of the PFRA.

In the following set of videos, best-selling author Candace Savage tells us why the pastures are valuable to everyone in Saskatchewan.

Candace Savage, recent winner of the $60,000 Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction and best-selling author of Prairie: A Natural History, gave a public talk on November 22, 2012, entitled “Grasslands in Peril”.

The talk highlighted the heritage of the PFRA pastures on the prairies. These pastures, more than one million acres of public land, are some of the largest remnants of native prairie and sustainably grazed pasture in Canada. They’re valued for environmental, agricultural, recreational, and spiritual reasons. Now, Saskatchewan’s government is putting them up for sale or lease.

Candace explains why these grasslands are important – and should matter – to everyone in Saskatchewan. The talk is beautifully illustrated by a slide presentation of photographs from these vital grasslands.

One Response to “Videos”

  1. Darrell Dahlgren November 28, 2015 at 5:45 am #

    Like steven Harper ,Brad wall is selling off what ever he can to try and save his government . Not much difference Brad , steven. Steven ,brad. Now lay offs at hospitals it’s time for brad to go.d.

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