Archive | October, 2013

Bird Watch Canada article

17 Oct

Bird Watch Canada magazine contains topical feature articles about the world of birds. Prairie Grasslands in Peril? by Laura Stewart is the cover story for the Fall issue, and discusses the threat to birds under regulatory changes in Saskatchewan, including changes to the PFRA pasture system.


New Factsheets Available!

16 Oct

Public Pastures-Public Interest has created a series of factsheets on issues relating to the PFRA pastures, written by various local experts on the topics. They have been added to our Resources section, and you can find them here.

These factsheets can be shared widely, and used when writing letters or speaking to elected representatives and other concerned citizens.

ISSUE: In Saskatchewan, management of 1.8 million acres of land in 62 former PFRA community pastures is being transferred from the Federal Government to the Province. This is a land area larger than Prince Edward Island. The Province intends to sell or lease the land to private users, putting public benefits at risk.


What are Native Prairie Grasslands Worth?

11 Oct

Native Prairie Speaker Series: What are Native Grasslands Worth?

Oct 23, 12:10pm

Join Nature Regina at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum Auditorium for their next installment of the Native Prairie Speaker Series “What are Native Grasslands Worth?” Presented by Chris Nykoluk, on behalf of Ranchers Stewardship Alliance Inc., SK


Operation Grassland: Saving Species at Risk

10 Oct

Conservationist readers may be interested in a group out of Alberta, Operation Grassland. From their website:

For more than 20 years, Operation Grassland Community, inspired by its ranching partners, has remained open and receptive to the changing needs of both prairie wildlife and human communities, evolving and adapting to ensure timely and appropriate action. Some highlights of this work include:

  • Hundreds of ranching members acting as voluntary stewards & protecting >900,000 acres of prairie habitat.
  • A ranching membership who work with us to conduct annual wildlife surveys, develop Benefiical Management Plans, and implement Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Projects.
  • Partnerships with schools to provide specialized youth education opportunities on the importance of a sustainable prairie.
  • Engaging and inspiring others: reaching 1000’s of rural and urban Albertans through print and social media, public presentations, and events (e.g., coming in the fall of 2013: an innovative video documentary project, the “Conservation Caravan”